To book your classes please scroll down, Thank you!
A minimum of three people must be in attendance for group classes to run.
Notice will be given by email no later than one hour prior to the start time.
You may pre book classes two weeks in advance.
Please cancel if you’re unable to attend.
Child Care available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:15 am to 11 am.
$5 + tax per child per day. Must book in advance.
This is for OPEN GYM USE ONLY and does not include The BarBelles mom class unless you are enrolled in that program separately.
(BarBelles classes are not drop in style classes, and are not included with the Fitt gym membership)
Group Fitness Classes
Group Fitness Classes are a great compliment to your workout routine. You are encouraged to sign up for classes in advance to ensure there is a spot for you. Class signup is available 2 WEEKS prior to each class.
All class including Strength & Sweat, Boot Camp, Spin, Step, Yoga, Tabata, Strength, Sweat 45, Masters and Stretch & Stability are included with the Premium Membership.
*Standard membership is unlimited gym access only.
Group Fitness Classes
Current Class Schedule
Updated September 13th 2024
Book Here!
Mix of Cardio. High-intensity interval training is a protocol alternating short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods until the point of exhaustion high intensity workout to finish your day off right.
Sweat 45/30
A challenging, full-body strength training class for every level. Using light, moderate & heavy weights with repetition, we’ll build lean muscle as we target all major muscle groups using barbell exercises, such as squats, lunges, chest presses, rows, and more. All levels.
Geared towards our older adult population this class will guide you through exercises to improve your overall well being. Balance, posture and strength are the focus.
Strength & Stability
This class is specialized training that incorporates calisthenics and dynamic movement patterns - NOT your typical stretch class.
It is based on an understanding that improving how we move comes from not just stretching tight muscles, but strengthening them as well!
Spinning classes can be a great way to get in your cardio workout - burning calories and keeping your muscles in shape. Let our instructors guide you through the spin experience focusing on intervals of endurance, high intensity (races) and recovery - with motivating music!
This 30-minute class offers a weekly variety. A boot camp workout is a type of high-intensity training - bursts of intense activity alternated with intervals of lighter activity. A boot camp workout also can include, weights, cardio, core, battle ropes, trx, functional fitness, such as using whole-body, multijoint exercises that simulate movements people do in life.
Tabata is a type of HIIT workout that aims to yield the most benefits in a short amount of time. For each exercise, you do eight rounds of 20 seconds of strenuous exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is a 45 min. class. 5 min. warm up, 30 min. work out, 15 cooldown and stretch.
Co-ed Strength & Conditioning
Specialized program coached by a certified strength and conditioning coach. Full body strength movements with a strong focus on form, technique and tempo. This class incorporates cardio conditioning to improve overall athleticism and fitness.
All levels welcome. Explore the benefits of yoga in this ‘newbie’ friendly setting. Yoga is the perfect way to round out your workout routine and ensure that you are taking care of the body, mind, and soul.
Ideal for injury recovery and/or deep stress. Props, breath, and slow movements are used to work on physical and emotional healing. EMYoga®classes
Spin + Core
The ultimate combo class. Spin followed by 10 min. of core.
Join us for 30 minutes of strength followed by 10 minutes of cardio and a 5 min. cool down.
Step is an energizing workout using a height-adjustable step and simple movements on, over and around the step. Cardio blocks push fat burning systems into high gear, followed by muscle conditioning to shape and tone your body.
BarBelles Monthly Strength & Conditioning programs for Women
BarBelles is a separate business from Fitt Gym and is based on a monthly commitment to two or three classes per week. These classes are not included in the fitt gym membership, but fitt members do get a discount on BarBelles programs if they wish to participate. Please visit or email if you would like more info on BarBelles gym or online services
Childcare- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30-10:15 and 10:15-11am
**must book in mindbody